
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Get Rid of Vape Smell?

How to Get Rid of Vape Smell?

As the popularity of vaping continues to grow, more and more people are finding themselves struggling with the lingering smell that can come with it. Whether you’re a regular vaper or just trying it out for the first time, the distinct aroma of e-cigarettes can be difficult to eliminate from your surroundings.

One of the best ways to keep the vape smell from taking over your home is by using an air freshener specifically designed for smoke-related scents [1]. These products typically contain powerful ingredients that help neutralize bad aromas and replace them with pleasant smells like citrus or lavender. An alternative option is to invest in a stand-alone air purifier that can be used to remove odors from the air while also filtering out harmful particles.

Are you sick of the overpowering smell of vape smoke lingering in your home, office, or car? Does it seem like no matter how hard you try to get rid of it, the odor just won’t go away? Unfortunately, vaping has become an increasingly popular pastime that many people choose to partake in; this often creates strong odors that can be difficult and time-consuming to eliminate.

Fortunately, there are a few methods you can use to effectively remove the distinctive aroma from any room and keep it smelling fresh and clean. Keep reading for our comprehensive guide on how to get rid of the vape smell quickly and efficiently!

Why Vaping Produces A Smell?

Vaping produces a smell because of the vapor that is exhaled and then dissipates in the air. The vapor contains nicotine and propylene glycol, which are both odoriferous. Additionally, certain flavors or materials used to make e-juice can also contribute to the smell produced by vaping. Also, the chemicals used to create the vapor (such as propylene glycol) can sometimes have a distinct smell of their own.

Why Vaping Produces A Smell?

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling an aerosol produced by an electronic device that heats up a liquid containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. Vaping produces a smell that comes from the flavor of the e-liquid, which is usually pleasant and not offensive to most people.

However, some factors can affect how strong or noticeable the smell is, such as the type of device, the temperature, the airflow, the quality of the e-liquid, the frequency of vaping, and the sensitivity of the person who smells it [2].

The smell of vaping is generally less than the smell of smoking because vaporization keeps most of the vapor inside the device or the user’s mouth and lungs, and because vaporization does not produce as many harmful chemicals as combustion. The smell of vaping also dissipates faster than the smell of smoking, because the vapor is lighter and more volatile than smoke. However, vaping can still leave a lingering odor in some places, such as the user’s clothes, hair, car, or room, especially if the user vapes frequently or in a closed space.

Why Does A Vape’s Heating Chamber Develop Odor?

The heating chamber of a vape can develop an odor over time due to the buildup of residue or sediment on its walls. This typically occurs due to the prolonged usage and exposure to different e-juices, as well as flavorings used in these liquids. Over time, these residues can accumulate and cause an unpleasant smell from your vaping device.

Distinct Smells And Odors Of Vape Devices:

1) Smell From Dry Herb Vaporizers

Dry herb vaporizers are known to produce less smoky smells than an e-cigarette. This is because the dry herbs are heated instead of burned, so no carcinogenic compounds are released into the air. The smell from a dry herb vaporizer can range from earthy and woody to floral depending on the strain used. Some users may enjoy the aroma of their favorite strain while others may not find it very pleasant.

2) Smell From Wax Vaporizers

Wax vaporizers give off a slightly different smell. Depending on your preference, some users may like this aroma more than that dry herb vaporizers. Wax gives off a sweet, fruity scent when heated up, similar to that of burning sugar or candy. However, this smell can linger and be quite pungent depending on how much wax is being vaporized.

3) Smell From Oil Vaporizers

Oil vaporizers don’t produce the same type of aroma as dry herb or wax vaporizers, but they still have a distinct smell. This smell often resembles that of burning plastic and has been described by some users as “chemical-like”. In general, it’s best to use oil vaporizers in well-ventilated areas to prevent the buildup of odor in small spaces [3].

Why Does A Vape’s Heating Chamber Develop Odor?

4) Smell From Wax Pens

Wax pens, also known as wax vaporizers, are becoming increasingly popular for those who wish to vape oils and concentrates. Wax pens produce a stronger smell than other types of vapes because of the type of material they use (e.g., wax).

5) Smell From E-Rigs

E-rigs, also known as electronic rigs, are a more recent type of vaping device that uses an external power source (such as a battery) to heat up the wax and create vapor.

While most vapes use conduction heating, e-rigs used convection heating which causes the vaporized material to come into contact with the exposed coil and produces more odor than other types of devices.

6) Odor From Desktop Vaporizers

Unlike portable vaporizers, desktop vaporizers are meant to be used at home and require a power outlet to operate. Desktop vaporizers also use convection heating which causes more odor than a portable vape would. Further, desktop units tend to have higher wattage levels so the smell is usually stronger than with other types of vapes.

7) Smell From Oil Pen Vaporizers

Oil pen vaporizers are similar to wax pens but use a liquid form of cannabis oil instead. This type of device produces a distinct smell as the oil is vaped and can linger in the air for some time. Depending on how much you use, usage can cause your home or car to have a strong odor that lingers.

8) Other Odor Considerations

In addition to the odor from vaping itself, other factors can contribute to unwanted smells. For example, if you’re using essential oils while vaping they could be causing the odor as well. Additionally, residue buildup inside the vape itself may start to emit an unpleasant smell over time. To reduce this it’s important to regularly clean your device.

How To Get Rid Of Vape Smell:

Vacuum Your Carpet

Carpets and other soft surfaces are notorious for retaining smells, and vape smell is no exception. The first step in getting rid of the vape smell is to vacuum your carpets and any other soft surfaces regularly. This will help to remove any vape residue that may have accumulated on the surfaces.

It’s essential to use a high-quality vacuum cleaner that comes with a HEPA filter to ensure that it effectively traps the tiny particles that contribute to the vape smell. Be sure to vacuum under furniture and in hard-to-reach areas to ensure that no residue is left behind.

Clean Hard Surfaces With A Damp Cloth

Another way to get rid of the vape smell is to clean hard surfaces with a damp cloth. This will help to remove any residual vape residue from surfaces such as countertops, tables, and floors. Be sure to use a cloth that has been dampened with water, as using a dry cloth will only spread the residue around.

You can also add a small amount of vinegar or baking soda to the water to help neutralize the smell. However, be careful not to use too much, as this can leave behind an unpleasant odor.

How To Get Rid Of Vape Smell

Steam Clean Soft Furniture

Steam cleaning is an effective way to get rid of the vape smell on soft furniture such as couches, chairs, and curtains. Steam cleaning works by using high-temperature steam to penetrate deep into the fabric, effectively removing any vape residue and odor [4].

You can purchase or rent a steam cleaner for this purpose. If you don’t have access to a steam cleaner, you can also try using a fabric freshener spray to mask the vape smell temporarily.

Vape With Better Ventilation

One of the most effective ways to prevent the vape smell from accumulating in your living space is to ensure that you are vaping in a well-ventilated area. This means opening windows and doors or using a fan to circulate the air.

When you vape in a well-ventilated area, the vape clouds will dissipate more quickly, reducing the amount of vape residue that accumulates on surfaces. This will help to minimize any residual vape smell.

Avoid Cheap, Pungent Vape Liquid Flavors

The type of vape liquid you use can also contribute to the amount of vape smell in your living space. Some cheap, pungent vape liquid flavors can produce a stronger and longer-lasting vape smell that can be difficult to get rid of.

If you are having trouble getting rid of the vape smell, consider switching to a higher-quality vape liquid with a lighter and more pleasant aroma. This will not only help to reduce the vape smell in your living space but also provide a better vaping experience.

Choose Lighter, Nicer-Smelling Vape Flavors

As mentioned earlier, the type of vape liquid you use can contribute to the amount of vape smell in your living space. Choosing lighter, nicer-smelling vape flavors can make a significant difference in the amount of vape smell that accumulates.

Some of the best vape flavors to choose if you are looking to reduce vape smell include fruity, citrusy, and minty flavors. These flavors tend to have a lighter and more pleasant aroma that is less likely to linger.

Get An Indoor Vape Air Purifier

An indoor vape air purifier is an excellent investment if you are looking to get rid of the vape smell. These devices work by removing airborne particles and contaminants, including vape residue, from the air. They use filters to trap these particles and prevent them from recirculating back into the air.

When choosing an indoor vape air purifier, be sure to select one that is specifically designed for vape use. These devices come with specialized filters that are designed to trap the tiny particles and chemicals that are produced when vaping.

Try Vaporless E-Liquid

Vaporless e-liquid is a relatively new type of vape liquid that is designed to produce little to no visible vapor. This type of e-liquid is ideal if you are looking to reduce the vape smell in your living space, as it produces very little residual vape residue.

Vaporless e-liquid is available in a variety of flavors and nicotine strengths, making it a great alternative for those who want to continue vaping but are concerned about the amount of vape smell it produces.

Use A Completely Odor-Free E-Liquid

Another option for reducing the vape smell is to use a completely odor-free e-liquid. These liquids are designed to produce no smell or vapor, making them an excellent choice for those who want to continue vaping without any residual smells [5].

Use A Completely Odor-Free E-Liquid

However, it’s worth noting that odor-free e-liquids are not as common as regular e-liquids and can be more expensive. Additionally, some vapers may find the lack of flavor and vapor unsatisfying.

Swap Your Cloud Machine For A Smaller Device Larger vaporizers or “cloud machines” can produce a lot of visible vapor, which can contribute to the amount of vape smell in your living space. If you are having trouble getting rid of the vape smell, consider swapping your cloud machine for a smaller, more discreet device.

Smaller vaporizers tend to produce less vapor, which means they are less likely to contribute to the accumulation of vape residue in your living space. They are also more discreet and portable, making them an excellent choice for vapers who are on the go.

Mask Vape Smells With Nicer Aromas

If you are having trouble getting rid of the vape smell, another option is to mask the smell with nicer aromas. You can do this by using scented candles, essential oils, or air fresheners to create a more pleasant atmosphere in your living space.

Be sure to choose scents that complement or neutralize the vape smell rather than making it worse. For example, citrus or minty scents can help to neutralize the vape smell, while floral scents may make it worse.

Start Vaping In The Kitchen Or Bathroom

If all else fails, you may want to consider vaping in the kitchen or bathroom, where the residual vape smell is less likely to be noticeable. These areas typically have better ventilation and are less likely to retain smells than other parts of your living space.

However, be sure to take precautions when vaping in these areas. Make sure that you are not creating a fire hazard by keeping flammable materials away from your vaping device. Additionally, be mindful of any potential health risks associated with vaping in confined spaces.

The Best Ways To Remove Vape Odors Immediately:

1) Invest Into A High-Quality Air Purifier

Air purifiers are an effective way to get rid of the vape smell quickly, as they can filter out the air more effectively than any other method. Investing in a high-quality air purifier will be the most surefire way to ensure that no matter how much you vape, you won’t have to worry about leaving behind a smoky odor.

2) Open The Windows

Opening up the windows and letting fresh air in is one of the quickest ways to get rid of vape odor from your home. It may not work as well if it’s raining outside or if there is little airflow, but on windy days this method works great for getting rid of smoke and vapor smells alike.

3) Keep Unused Rooms Closed

If you’re vaping in one room of your house, it may be a good idea to keep the doors closed in other rooms. This will help contain the smell of vaping and ensure that it doesn’t spread as far throughout your home.

4) Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural plant extracts with an array of potential health benefits. Not only do they smell great, but they can also help mask the scent of vaporizing or smoking. Some essential oils that work great for masking the vape smell include tea tree oil, lemon oil, and eucalyptus oil.

The Best Ways To Remove Vape Odors Immediately

5) Use An Air Freshener While You Vape

For an extra layer of protection against the smell of vaping, you can use an air freshener while vaping. This will help mask any smells that may leak from your vaporizer and add a nice fragrance to your room [6].

6) Clean Your Vaporizer Regularly

If you want to keep your home smelling fresh and free of vape odors, it’s important to clean your vaporizer regularly. Cleaning your vaporizer is easy and only takes a few minutes – simply remove any buildup on the coils or atomizers and replace them if needed. This will ensure that no smoke or odors linger in your home after vaping sessions.

7) Place An Odor Absorber In The Room

Odor absorbers are a great way to quickly and easily remove the vape smell from any room. They work by absorbing the odors in the air, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. You can find odor absorbers online or in most home goods stores.

8) Use A Charcoal Filter

Charcoal filters are another effective way to get rid of vape odor. These filters will absorb the odors in the air and leave your home smelling much fresher than before. Place these filters near vents or other areas where smoke is likely to linger, such as near windows or doors.

9) Use A Moisture Absorber

Moisture absorbers are a great way to keep the odor of vaping from lingering in your home. They work by absorbing excess moisture in the air, and this can help reduce the smell of vape smoke as well. You can find moisture absorbers online or at any home goods store.

10) Try A Flavor That Doesn’t Include Food Flavoring or Sweeteners

It’s always a good idea to switch up your flavors, but if you’re looking for an easy way to reduce the smell of vaping in your home, you might try using a flavor that doesn’t include food flavoring or sweeteners. Many sweet or food-flavored e-juices have strong odors that can linger in the air after vaping and are difficult to get rid of. Choosing a flavor without these additives will help keep your house smelling fresh.

11) Use The Vape As An Aromatherapy Device

Finally, you can use your vaporizer as an aromatherapy device. Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to promote relaxation and reduce stress. You can add a few drops of essential oil to your vaporizer when taking a hit for an extra dose of relaxation and, at the same time, help get rid of the smell of vaping in your home.

How To Get Vape Smells Out Of A Car?

Vape smells can get into a car and linger there if the user vapes frequently or heavily in the car, especially if the windows are closed or the ventilation is poor. This is because the vapor can accumulate on the windows, the dashboard, the seats, and other parts of the car, and trap the odor particles.

The vapor also contains propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, which are sticky substances that can coat the surfaces and make them harder to clean. Additionally, some vape flavors are more pungent and persistent than others, such as tobacco, coffee, cinnamon, or menthol [7].

There are some ways to get vape smells out of a car, such as:

  • Wiping down all the plastic and glass surfaces with a damp cloth or a window cleaner to remove any residue or dust that may have absorbed the smell;
  • Vacuuming the entire car, including the seats, the floor, the trunk, and the crevices, to remove any crumbs, dirt, or hair that may have trapped the smell;
  • Cleaning the car seats and other upholstery material parts of the car with a steam cleaner, a fabric cleaner, or a baking soda solution to dissolve the odor particles and sanitize the fabric;
  • Cleaning out the air vents and replacing the air filters to remove any dust or debris that may have collected the smell and to improve the air quality in the car;
  • Vaping with better ventilation, such as opening the windows, using the air conditioner or the fan, or vaping outside or in a parking lot;
  • Avoiding cheap, pungent, or dark-colored vape flavors that may leave a stronger or more unpleasant smell;
  • Choosing lighter, nicer-smelling, or flavorless vape flavors that may dissipate faster or blend in with the environment;
  • Getting a car air freshener, a deodorizer, a candle, an incense, or a spray that can neutralize or mask the smell of vaping;

These methods can help the user to enjoy vaping without leaving a lasting smell in the car or bothering others who may ride in the car.

How To Get Vape Smells Out Of A Car?

How To Get Vape Smell Out Of Your Clothes?

If you are a vaper, you may have noticed that the smell of vape can cling to your clothes and be difficult to remove.

Here are some tips on how to get the vape to smell out of your clothes:

  • Wash your clothes: One of the most effective ways to get the vape to smell out of your clothes is to wash them. Use a high-quality laundry detergent and wash your clothes on the highest heat setting recommended on the care label;
  • Add vinegar to the wash: If washing alone doesn’t work, add a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle. This can help to neutralize the odor and leave your clothes smelling fresh;
  • Use baking soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help to remove unwanted odors from clothes. Add a half-cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent and wash as usual;
  • Hang clothes outside: Hanging clothes outside in the fresh air and sunshine can help to remove unwanted odors from clothes. The sun’s rays can also help to naturally bleach out any stains caused by the vape juice;
  • Use an odor eliminator spray: If you need to wear your clothes right away, use an odor eliminator spray specifically designed for clothing. Simply spray it onto your clothes before wearing them and the smell should dissipate [8];

It is important to note that vaping inside can cause the vape smell to permeate your clothes more strongly than if you were vaping outside. To prevent the vape smell from sticking to your clothes, consider vaping outside or in a well-ventilated area.

Can You Get Rid Of All Vape Smells Indoors?

While it is possible to reduce the amount of vape smell indoors, it may be difficult to completely get rid of all vape smells indoors. This is because the vapor from e-cigarettes contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cling to surfaces and be difficult to remove.

To reduce the amount of vape smell indoors, you can try the following:

  • Open windows and doors: Increase ventilation in the room by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and help remove the vape smell;
  • Use air purifiers: Air purifiers can help to remove VOCs from the air and reduce the amount of vape smell indoors;
  • Clean surfaces regularly: Vape residue can cling to surfaces like walls, curtains, and furniture. Clean these surfaces regularly with a mild detergent and water or a specialized cleaning product to help remove the vape smell;
  • Use odor-eliminating products: There are various odor-eliminating products available on the market that can help to remove vape smells indoors. These products work by neutralizing the odor molecules in the air and on surfaces;
  • Vape outside or in well-ventilated areas: To prevent the vape smell from becoming too strong indoors, consider vaping outside or in a well-ventilated area. This can help to reduce the amount of vape smell indoors [9];

Can You Get Rid Of All Vape Smells Indoors?

Why Does Vape Smell Linger More In A Room?

Vape smells tend to linger more in a room if the room is not well-ventilated or if the user vapes frequently or heavily in the room. This is because the vapor becomes more concentrated in confined areas and has nowhere else to go. The vapor also contains propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, which can coat the walls and floor after vaping and trap the odor particles. Additionally, some vape flavors are more pungent and persistent than others, such as tobacco, coffee, cinnamon or menthol.


  1. How does steam cleaning remove vape smells?

Steam cleaning is an effective way to remove vape smells because it uses high-temperature steam to break down and lift away dirt, grime, and odor-causing particles. The steam penetrates deep into the surface being cleaned, such as carpets, upholstery, or curtains, and kills bacteria and fungi that can cause odors. 

Additionally, the heat from the steam helps to break down the chemical compounds in the vape smoke, making them easier to remove. Steam cleaning can also be used on hard surfaces such as walls, floors, and tiles to remove vape smells.

Why Does Vape Smell Linger More In A Room?

  1. How long does the vaporizer smell linger?

The length of time that the vaporizer smell lingers depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of vaporizer used, the strength of the vapor, and the ventilation of the room. In general, the smell of the vaporizer can linger for a few hours to several days [10], especially if the room is poorly ventilated or if the vaporizer is used frequently in the same space.

  1. Does vaping inside smell less than smoking?

Vaping inside typically produces less of a noticeable odor than smoking, but it can still produce a distinct smell that some people may find unpleasant. The odor of vaping is often described as sweet or fruity, and it can linger in the air for a period of time. However, compared to smoking, the smell of vaping is generally less strong and dissipates more quickly.

  1. How long does it take for the vape smell to go away?

The length of time it takes for the vape smell to dissipate depends on several factors, including the ventilation of the space, the strength of the vapor, and the type of surface where the vape odor is present. In general, the vape smell can linger for a few hours to several days. Opening windows or using fans can help to circulate fresh air and reduce the odor more quickly.

  1. Does vaping leave a smell in the house?

Yes, vaping can leave a distinct smell in a house or other indoor space. The smell of vaping is often described as sweet or fruity, and it can linger in the air and on surfaces for a period of time. However, the strength of the smell and how long it lingers can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of vaporizer used and the ventilation of the space.

  1. Why does my vape smell so much?

The smell of a vape can be affected by several factors, including the type of vape juice being used, the temperature of the vaporizer, and how often the vaporizer is used. Vape juice contains flavorings, propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin, which can all contribute to the smell of the vapor. The temperature at which the vaporizer is set can also affect the strength of the smell.

  1. Does vaping leave a smell on walls?

Yes, vaping can leave a smell on walls and other surfaces, especially if it is done frequently or in a poorly ventilated space. The chemical compounds in the vapor can attach to surfaces and cause a lingering odor. Regular cleaning and ventilation can help to reduce or eliminate the smell.

  1. Can the smell of vape harm you?

The smell of vape itself is not harmful, but the chemicals and compounds in the vapor can be harmful if inhaled in large amounts or over a long period of time. Secondhand exposure to vape vapor can also be harmful, especially for children, pregnant women, and people with respiratory conditions.

Does vaping leave a smell on walls?

  1. Is it safe to vape indoors?

Vaping indoors can be safe as long as it is done in a well-ventilated space and the vapor is not being inhaled by others who may be sensitive to it. However, frequent or prolonged exposure to vapor can be harmful, especially if the vapor contains harmful chemicals. It is recommended to vape outdoors or in well-ventilated areas to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful compounds.

  1. Can you tell if someone vapes inside?

It may be possible to tell if someone has vaped inside based on the smell and the presence of vapor or residue on surfaces. The smell of vaping is often described as sweet or fruity and can linger in the air and on surfaces. Additionally, visible vapor or residue may be present on furniture, walls, or windows.

  1. How do you vape in your room without your parents smelling it?

It is not recommended to vape in your room without your parent’s knowledge or permission. However, if you must vape in your room, you can reduce the risk of the smell spreading by opening a window, using a fan or air purifier, and blowing the vapor out of the window or into a smoke buddy, which filters out the odor and chemicals from the vapor.

  1. How do you hide the smoke from a vape?

It is not recommended to hide the smoke from a vape as this can be harmful to others who may be sensitive to the chemicals in the vapor. Instead, it is best to vape in well-ventilated areas or outdoors where the vapor can dissipate more easily.

  1. Does vape smoke damage walls?

Vape smoke can leave residue on walls and other surfaces over time, which can be difficult to remove and may cause discoloration or damage if left untreated. However, the extent of the damage will depend on the frequency and duration of the vaping, as well as the type of surface being exposed to the smoke.

  1. Does vape smoke go away in a room?

Vape smoke will eventually dissipate in a room, but the length of time it takes will depend on several factors, including the ventilation of the space, the strength of the vapor, and the presence of any air purifiers or fans. Opening windows or using fans can help to circulate fresh air and reduce the odor more quickly.

  1. Can you smell vape smoke on clothes?

Yes, vape smoke can leave a noticeable odor on clothes, especially if the vapor is inhaled directly into the clothing. The smell can be difficult to remove and may require washing or dry cleaning to eliminate.

Can you smell vape smoke on clothes?

  1. What is the least smelly vape?

The least smelly vape will depend on several factors, including the type of vaporizer, the strength of the vapor, and the type of vape juice being used. Some vaporizers are designed to produce less odor than others, and using lower-strength vape juice can also help to reduce the strength of the smell.

  1. How can people tell if you’ve vaped?

People may be able to tell if you’ve vaped based on the smell and the presence of visible vapor or residue on surfaces. The smell of vaping is often described as sweet or fruity and can linger in the air and on surfaces. Additionally, visible vapor or residue may be present on clothing or other items.

  1. Does vape smell stick to furniture?

Vape smell can stick to furniture and other surfaces over time, especially if the vaping is done frequently or in a poorly ventilated space. The chemical compounds in the vapor can attach to surfaces and cause a lingering odor. Regular cleaning and ventilation can help to reduce or eliminate the smell.

Useful Video: Can You Smell a Vape?


  1. https://thefirefly.com/blogs/news/how-to-get-rid-of-vape-smell
  2. https://ecigfind.com/get-rid-of-vape-smell-indoors/
  3. https://tvape.com/blog/vaporizer-smell-odor/
  4. https://www.nomoresmokesmell.net/remove-vape-odors/
  5. https://www.thekindpen.com/vaping-smells-13-tips-tricks-that-will-help-you-get-those-vape-odors-out-of-your-furniture/
  6. https://www.davincivaporizer.com/blog/does-vaping-weed-smell/
  7. https://ecigfind.com/get-rid-of-vape-smell-indoors/
  8. https://www.thekindpen.com/vaping-smells-13-tips-tricks-that-will-help-you-get-those-vape-odors-out-of-your-furniture/
  9. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-truths-you-need-to-know-about-vaping
  10. https://tvape.com/blog/vaporizer-smell-odor/