
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Why Is My Vape Spitting?

Why Is My Vape Spitting?

Vape spitting occurs when the coil of your device is over-saturated with e-liquid or there is a buildup of condensation. This causes the liquid to travel up and through the air intake, resulting in spit back. While not always serious, vape spitting can sometimes lead to a burnt taste that ruins an otherwise pleasant vaping experience.

Spitting of a vape device is most often caused by too much e-liquid. This can occur due to overfilling or not allowing enough time between puffs for the coil to absorb the liquid. Another common cause of vape spitting is a buildup of condensation from the device heating up and cooling down with each puff [1].

Fortunately, there are several ways you can prevent your vape from spitting and reduce any unpleasant taste. The best way to prevent your vape from spitting is to make sure you are using the correct wattage for your coil, monitor how fast you are taking draws, and ensure that your device does not get overly hot while in use.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the causes of vape spitting and provide some tips on how you can avoid this issue.

What Is Vape Spitback?

Vape spitback is a common problem that many vapers face when using their devices. It is when tiny droplets of hot vape juice fly out of the coil and through the mouthpiece and land on your lips or tongue.

This can be quite painful and unpleasant, as the liquid may have a strong flavor and nicotine content, and may also be hot and uncomfortable. Vape spitback can ruin your vaping experience and make you want to stop using your device.

What Is Vape Spitback?

Why Is My Vape Spitting/Crackling?

Vape spitting occurs when the coil of your device is oversaturated with e-liquid or there is a buildup of condensation. This causes the liquid to travel up and through the air intake, resulting in spit back. While not always serious, vape spitting can sometimes lead to a burnt taste that ruins an otherwise pleasant vaping experience [2].

Several factors can contribute to your device spitting:

  1. Overfilling Your Tank

One of the most common reasons for vape spitting is overfilling your tank. When you fill your tank, be careful not to overfill it, as this can cause the coil to become oversaturated with liquid. If too much e-liquid enters your coil it can lead to spitback, so make sure you don’t fill your tank beyond its maximum capacity.

  1. Incompatible Coils

If you use a coil that is not compatible with your device it can also result in vape spitting. Make sure that the coils you are using are designed specifically for the type of device you have in order to reduce the risk of spitback.

  1. Clogged Airflow Holes

Clogged airflow holes can also be responsible for vape spitting. These small holes allow airflow into the device and if they become clogged by debris or e-liquid the device cannot regulate airflow properly. Make sure to regularly clean and check your airflow holes for debris or blockages.

  1. Low Voltage/Wattage Settings

If you set your device’s voltage or wattage too low, it can cause the liquid in the coil to become overly hot, resulting in spitback. Make sure that the voltage or wattage settings are correct for your device type and coil so that it doesn’t overheat.

Low Voltage/Wattage Settings

  1. Old Coils

When coils age they become less efficient at heating up and vaporizing liquids, which can lead to vape spitting. If you notice that your device is starting to spit more than usual, this could be a sign that your coil needs to be changed.

There are several possible causes of vape spitback, but the main reason is that the e-liquid in your tank collects around or in the center of your coil and is heated too quickly, causing it to “cook” rather than vaporize. The e-liquid then “pops” in much the same way as a hot frying pan flicked with cold water, shooting up into the tank and out through the mouthpiece. This can happen if you overfill your tank, use a low-wattage setting, draw too hard or too often, or use a high-PG or thin e-liquid that floods the coil [3]

Is E-Liquid Spitback Dangerous?

While vape spitback is not a serious health risk, it can still be harmful to your mouth and throat. The hot droplets of e-liquid can cause burns, blisters, or irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies. The nicotine in the e-liquid can also cause nausea, dizziness, or headaches if ingested in large amounts. Moreover, vape spitback can damage your device and affect its performance, as the e-liquid can leak into the battery or the circuitry and cause short circuits or corrosion4.

How To Stop Spitting Tanks?

Vape spitback is a frustrating and annoying issue that can affect your enjoyment of vaping. However, by understanding the causes and solutions of vape spitback, you can prevent it from happening and have a smooth and satisfying vaping experience:

Flick The Tank Onto Paper Towel

One of the simplest ways to stop spitting tanks is to flick the tank onto a paper towel before using it. This technique involves holding the vape tank upside down and flicking it with your finger to remove any excess liquid that may be trapped in the coil. This excess liquid can cause spitting when the device is turned on, and the coil heats up. By flicking the tank, you can prevent the liquid from spitting up into your mouth.

Remove Excess Liquid From Your Tank’s Centre Post

Another way to stop spitting tanks is to remove any excess liquid from the tank’s center post. The center post is a small metal piece that runs through the middle of the tank and connects the coil to the battery. Sometimes, e-juice can get trapped in this post and cause spitting. To remove the excess liquid, you can use a tissue or paper towel to wipe the post clean.

Fire Your Battery Before Inhaling

Firing your battery before inhaling can also help stop spitting tanks. When you fire your battery, the coil heats up, and any excess liquid that may have accumulated in the coil will be vaporized. This will help prevent the liquid from spitting up into your mouth when you inhale.

Is E-Liquid Spitback Dangerous?

Reduce Your Airflow Or Take Smaller Inhales

Reducing your airflow or taking smaller inhales can also help stop spitting tanks. When you inhale, you create a vacuum that pulls the e-juice into the coil. If the vacuum is too strong, it can cause the e-juice to spit up into your mouth. By reducing your airflow or taking smaller inhales you can reduce the strength of the vacuum and prevent spitting.

Turn Up The Power

If you are still experiencing spitting tanks, you may want to try turning up the power. Higher power settings will vaporize the e-juice more quickly, which can prevent spitting. However, be careful not to turn up the power too high, as this can damage your coil or burn your e-juice [4].

Don’t Over-Prime Your Coil

Over-priming your coil can also cause spitting tanks. Priming your coil involves saturating the wick with e-juice before using it. If you over-prime your coil, the excess e-juice can flood the coil and cause spitting. To avoid over-priming, only add a few drops of e-juice to the coil and wait a few minutes before using it.

Use An E-Liquid With More VG

Using an e-liquid with more VG can also help stop spitting tanks. VG is a thicker liquid than PG, and it vaporizes more slowly. This can help prevent the e-juice from spitting up into your mouth. However, be aware that using an e-liquid with more VG may require higher power settings to vaporize properly.

Cover Your Mouthpiece

Covering your mouthpiece can also help prevent spitting tanks. This technique involves placing a finger or tissue over the mouthpiece when you fire the battery. By doing this, you can create a small vacuum that will help prevent excess e-juice from spitting up into your mouth. However, be careful not to cover the mouthpiece completely, as this can cause the device to overheat.

Prime Your Vape Coils

Properly priming your vape coils is essential to prevent spitting tanks. Priming your coils involves saturating the wick with e-juice before using it for the first time. To prime your coil, add a few drops of e-juice directly onto the coil and wait a few minutes for the liquid to soak in. This will ensure that the coil is properly saturated and ready to use.

Clean Your Tank With Cotton Buds

Finally, cleaning your tank with cotton buds can also help prevent spitting tanks. Over time, e-juice can build up in the tank and cause spitting. To clean your tank, remove the coil and use a cotton bud to clean any excess e-juice from the tank’s walls and base. You can also rinse the tank with warm water and let it dry before reassembling it.

Which Vape Pens/Tanks Don’t Spit Or Crackle?

Not all vape pens and tanks will spit or crackle. This can depend on the type of atomizer you’re using, as well as the wattage that your device is set at.

Low-wattage devices, such as pod systems and starter kits, are less likely to produce spitting as they don’t heat up e-juice as quickly. 

Sub-ohm tank systems use higher wattages and larger coils – which generate more vapor – are more likely to produce spitting and cracking noises due to their heat capacity [5]

Which Vape Pens/Tanks Don’t Spit Or Crackle?

If you have a sub-ohm tank system that’s producing spitback or cracking noises, it may help to reduce the wattage of your device slightly (to no lower than the recommended setting). Additionally, be sure to prime your coils before use, as this will ensure that the e-juice saturates the wicking material and prevents it from burning.

Finally, if you’re using a regular vape tank system and are still experiencing spitting, try using thinner e-juice formulations with high levels of propylene glycol (PG). Thinner liquids tend to absorb better into the coil and reduce spitting. You may also want to adjust the airflow setting on your tank for a smoother draw that won’t cause so much spitback.

Which Vapes Are Less Likely To Spit Or Crackle?

The type of vape device you use can make a difference in how likely it is to spit or crackle. Generally, devices that use higher wattage and larger coils are more vulnerable to spitting. Devices with adjustable wattage settings can also help you avoid this issue if you adjust the setting just right.

Sub-ohm tanks, which have large coils (they generally measure less than 1 ohm) and require high wattage output, create more vapor than standard vaping devices – but they’re also more prone to spitting and crackling. If your sub-ohm tank is spitting e-liquid at you, you may need to reduce the wattage setting on your device or re-wick the coil (replace the wicking material and the coil).

If you’re using a device with an atomizer head, such as those used in basic e-cigarettes and vape pens, they will usually generate less vapor than sub-ohm tanks. This means they are generally less likely to sputter or crackle. If your atomizer is spitting e-liquid at you, it may be time to replace the coil. Coils should be replaced every 1 to 3 weeks, depending on how frequently you use them [6]

Finally, if you are using a rebuildable dripping atomizer (RDA), these devices require manual wicking and frequent re-wicking of the coils, which can help prevent spitback. However, RDAs produce large amounts of vapor, which can make them more prone to spitting and crackling.

Does Popping And Spitting Only Occur With Advanced Vape Mods?

No, popping and spitting can occur with any vape mod, regardless of the level of experience. It’s more common with advanced mods because they use higher wattages, but even beginner devices are susceptible to this issue. When a user is getting started with their device, they should be aware that it could happen as they learn how to use it properly.

Which Vapes Are Less Likely To Spit Or Crackle?

A few things can cause your device to pop and spit:

  • The most common is incorrect priming of the coil, meaning not enough liquid was applied to the cotton before firing up the device. This causes the dry cotton to heat quickly and scorch, leading to popping and spitting;
  • Other common causes include using too little wattage or airflow, as well as poor build quality on the coils;
  • Finally, if you’re using an RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer), excessive dripping can also lead to this issue;

If you’re experiencing popping and spitting it’s important to stop vaping immediately and diagnose what could be causing it. Make sure you have correctly primed your coils and check for any signs of damage. If the issue persists, consider increasing your wattage or airflow to a level that is more appropriate for your device. Finally, if you’re using an RDA, try reducing the amount of liquid you drip onto the coils [7].

Tips To Prevent Vape Spitting

To avoid vape spitback, you can try some of these tips:

  • Use a higher wattage setting or a higher VG or thicker e-liquid that vaporizes more efficiently and does not flood the coil;
  • Do not overfill your tank or leave it in hot or cold places that can cause the e-liquid to expand or contract;
  • Clean your tank and coil regularly and replace them when they are worn out or clogged;
  • Use a longer or angled drip tip or a spitback guard that can prevent the e-liquid from reaching your mouth;
  • Watch your vape tank and clear any excess e-liquid that may condense and rest in your tank’s center post or mouthpiece;


  1. Why is my vape juice spitting into my mouth?

There could be a few reasons why your vape juice is spitting into your mouth:

  • One reason may be that your coil is flooded, which means there is too much e-liquid on the coil. This excess e-liquid can boil and cause a spitting sensation;
  • Another reason may be that your wattage is set too high, which causes the e-liquid to heat too quickly and boil, resulting in spitting;
  • Finally, a coil that has been used for too long can also cause spitting, as the coil may be clogged or dirty. To fix this issue, you may need to adjust your wattage, change your coil, or simply clean your device [8];

Does Popping And Spitting Only Occur With Advanced Vape Mods?

  1. How do you fix a flooded vape?

If your vape is flooded, the first thing you should do is remove the tank from the device and use a paper towel to clean up any excess e-liquid. You can also try blowing gently into the mouthpiece to force the excess e-liquid out of the coil. If these steps don’t work, you may need to replace the coil or rebuild it.

  1. Why is my vape crackling and popping?

A crackling or popping sound is a normal sound when vaping, but excessive noise may be a sign of a problem:

  • One reason for the noise could be that your coil is not properly installed, or the wick is not properly saturated with e-liquid;
  • Another reason could be that your e-liquid is too thin, causing it to boil and produce noise. To fix this issue, you can adjust your wattage, check the coil and wick, or change your e-liquid;
  1. How do I know if my vape is damaged?

Some signs of a damaged vape could be a burnt taste, leaks, spitting, or no vapor production. If your device is not functioning as it should, it may be time to replace the coil, tank, or battery. In some cases, the entire device may need to be replaced.

  1. Is it ok to get vape juice in your mouth?

While it is not harmful to get a small amount of vape juice in your mouth, it is not recommended. E-liquid may contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals, and ingesting it can cause nausea, vomiting, and other health problems. It is important to handle vape juice with care and avoid getting it in your mouth.

  1. What happens if you hit a dry coil?

Hitting a dry coil can produce a burnt taste and damage the coil. This can also produce harmful chemicals, which can be dangerous if inhaled. If you hit a dry coil, you should immediately stop using your device and replace the coil.

  1. Can I soak my coil in water?

No, soaking your coil in water is not recommended. This can damage the coil and cause it to malfunction. Instead, you can clean the coil with a dry paper towel or replace it with a new one.

  1. Why is my vape bubbling when I inhale?

Bubbling in your vape can be caused by a few different things:

  • One reason may be that your e-liquid is too thin, causing it to bubble when it is heated;
  • Another reason could be that your coil is flooded or clogged, causing e-liquid to boil and produce bubbles. To fix this issue, you may need to adjust your wattage, clean your device, or change your e-liquid [9];
  1. How long should you let a coil sit before vaping?

Coils should be allowed to sit for a few minutes after they are installed to allow the e-liquid to saturate the wick properly. This usually takes about 5-10 minutes. If you don’t let your coil sit before vaping, you may experience a dry hit or burnt taste, which can damage the coil and affect the flavor of your e-liquid.

  1. How do I know if my coil is burnt?

There are a few signs that your coil may be burnt. One of the most obvious signs is a burnt taste when you vape. You may also notice a decrease in vapor production, a change in flavor, or a gurgling or spitting sensation. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to replace your coil.

  1. Why do disposable Vapes taste better?

Disposable vapes may taste better because they are pre-filled with e-liquid and have a fresh coil. This means that you don’t have to worry about replacing the coil or filling the tank yourself, and you can enjoy a consistent flavor experience. Additionally, disposable vapes may use higher-quality ingredients or more advanced flavor technology than some refillable devices.

  1. Is it ok if my vape crackles?

A crackling or popping sound is a normal sound when vaping and is not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if the noise is excessive or accompanied by other issues such as spitting or a burnt taste, it may be a sign of a problem with your device.

  1. Can you inhale vape straight into your lungs?

Yes, it is possible to inhale vape straight into your lungs. This is known as a direct lung hit and is commonly used by more experienced vapers. To inhale directly into your lungs, you will need to take a deep breath and inhale the vapor quickly and deeply. However, some vapers prefer to inhale the vapor into their mouth first before inhaling it into their lungs, known as a mouth-to-lung hit.

  1. Is spitting tanks harmful?

While spitting tanks can be unpleasant, they are generally not harmful. However, it is important to note that excessive spitting can lead to hot e-juice entering your mouth, which can cause burns.

  1. How can I prevent spitting tanks?

To prevent spitting tanks, you can try flicking the tank onto a paper towel, removing excess liquid from the center post, firing the battery before inhaling, reducing airflow, turning up the power, not over-priming the coil, using an e-liquid with more VG, covering the mouthpiece, priming your vape coils, and cleaning your tank with cotton buds.

  1. Can I fix a spitting tank?

Yes, you can fix a spitting tank by trying some of the preventative measures. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to replace the coil or clean the tank more thoroughly.

Can I fix a spitting tank?

  1. Why does reducing airflow help prevent spitting tanks?

Reducing airflow can help prevent spitting tanks by creating a tighter draw, which in turn vaporizes e-juice more efficiently and reduces the amount of excess liquid that can accumulate on the coil.

  1. Why does using an e-liquid with more VG help prevent spitting tanks?

Using an e-liquid with more VG can help prevent spitting tanks because VG is thicker and less likely to splash onto the coil. Additionally, VG produces denser vapor clouds, which can also reduce the likelihood of spitting [10].

  1. How often should I clean my tank?
It is recommended to clean your tank regularly to prevent spitting and ensure optimal performance. How often you clean your tank will depend on your usage, but a good rule of thumb is to clean it at least once a week or when switching to a new flavor of e-juice.
  1. Can I prevent spitting tanks by adjusting my wattage?

Yes, adjusting your wattage can help prevent spitting tanks by vaporizing e-juice more efficiently and reducing the amount of excess liquid that can accumulate on the coil. However, it is important to note that increasing wattage too much can also cause the coil to burn out prematurely.

Useful Video: How to Avoid Spitback of ZX RTA?


In conclusion, spitting tanks can be a frustrating problem for vapers, but there are several ways to prevent it.

Flicking the tank onto a paper towel, removing excess liquid from the center post, firing the battery before inhaling, reducing airflow, turning up the power, not over-priming the coil, using an e-liquid with more VG, covering the mouthpiece, priming your vape coils, and cleaning your tank with cotton buds are all effective methods to prevent spitting tanks.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a smooth and pleasant vaping experience without worrying about excess e-juice spitting up into your mouth. Remember to always handle your vaping device with care and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal performance and safety.


  1. https://vapoholic.co.uk/2022/04/29/is-your-vape-spitting-heres-how-to-fix-it
  2. https://www.jacvapour.com/8-tips-to-help-stop-spitting-tanks
  3. https://vaping360.com/learn/how-to-stop-leaking-popping-spitting/
  4. https://www.misteliquid.co.uk/blog/vape-spitting-crackling-fix-guide/
  5. https://www.buyv2cigs.co.uk/blog/why-is-my-vape-spitting-popping-and-gurgling/
  6. https://www.freemanvapejuice.com/blogs/vape-news-and-reviews/vape-spitting-how-to-stop-spitback-when-vaping
  7. https://www.ejuicedb.com/blogs/vape-how-to/how-to-stop-vape-from-spitting
  8. https://www.freemanvapejuice.com/blogs/vape-news-and-reviews/vape-spitting-how-to-stop-spitback-when-vaping
  9. https://www.vaporesso.com/blog/vaping-101-how-to-avoid-spitback-from-your-vape-tank
  10. https://vaping360.com/learn/how-to-stop-leaking-popping-spitting/