
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Stop a Disposable Vape From Auto Firing?

How to Stop a Disposable Vape From Auto Firing?

Are you tired of dealing with the high-maintenance upkeep of disposable vape pens? Do you find yourself endlessly cursing every time your device auto-fires and sends hot, burning vapor directly up into your airways? You’re not alone – disposables are unfortunately notorious for their unreliable nature.

But never fear! There are some simple steps that you can take to minimize the chances of your device auto-firing and keep your vaping experience as pleasant as possible [1]:

  • First, make sure that all of the parts of your disposable vape pen are properly connected. If any of the pieces have become loose or disconnected, they may not be able to properly detect when you’re taking a drag from it, causing it to fire unexpectedly. Double-check all connections and tighten up any areas that need extra attention;
  • Next, make sure that there is no debris or dust blocking the air holes at the bottom of your disposable vape pen. This is one of the most common culprits for auto-firing disposables and can be easily remedied by wiping off any buildup or using a cotton swab to clean out the air holes;
  • Finally, check to make sure that your disposable vape pen is not stuck in an auto-firing loop. This can happen when the device’s sensors detect a false signal and continually fire without being prompted. If this happens, simply turn off the device, wait several seconds, and then try it again;

Luckily, there are several things that can be done to stop a disposable vape from auto-firing and we’ll discuss them in this blog post! Keep reading until the end to discover helpful tricks for avoiding any more burnt coils and uncomfortable vaping experiences.

What Is Auto Firing?

Auto-firing of vape devices is not only a nuisance but also a potential hazard. According to the FDA, vape fires and explosions are uncommon but dangerous to the user and others around them. They can cause severe injuries, such as burns, fractures, or even death. They can also damage property, such as clothing, furniture, or vehicles.

The exact number of auto-firing incidents is unknown, but they may be underreported or misclassified. However, some studies have estimated the prevalence and risk factors of vape explosions.

For example, a study by the U.S. Fire Administration found that between 2009 and 2016, there were 195 separate incidents of vape explosions and fires in the U.S., resulting in 133 injuries and 38 severe injuries. The study also found that most of the incidents occurred when the device was in the user’s pocket or when the battery was being charged [2].

The number of auto-firing incidents may increase as the number of vapers grows.

What Is Auto Firing?

According to a BBC report, the number of vapers worldwide has increased from about 7 million in 2011 to 41 million in 2018, and it is expected to reach 55 million by 2021. Vaping is especially popular among young people, who may be unaware of the risks and safety precautions of vape devices. 

According to the CDC, more than 3.6 million U.S. middle and high school students used e-cigarettes in 2018, and 99% of the e-cigarettes sold in the U.S. contained nicotine, which is addictive and harmful to the developing brain [3].

Auto-firing of vape devices is a serious issue that requires more awareness, education, and regulation. Users should follow the tips and guidelines provided by the FDA, the CDC, and the manufacturers to avoid auto-firing and other vape-related problems. Users should also report any incidents of auto-firing to the FDA and seek medical attention if needed.

Common Reasons For Auto Firing

There are several reasons why a vape device may auto-fire. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Battery Issues: The battery is one of the most important components of a vape device, and if it is damaged or has any defects, it can cause auto-firing. This could be due to a faulty battery or a damaged battery wrap, which can cause the positive and negative parts of the battery to touch;
  • Overheating: When a vape device overheats, it can cause the coils to expand and contract, which can lead to a short circuit. This can then cause the device to auto-fire;
  • E-juice Buildup: E-juice can accumulate in the button or switch of the device, which can cause it to stick and activate on its own;
  • Manufacturing Defects: In some cases, the device may have a manufacturing defect that causes it to auto-fire. This could be due to a faulty component or poor quality control during production [4];

Why Is My Vape Auto Firing A Dangerous Issue?

Auto-firing can be a dangerous issue for several reasons. Firstly, it can cause the battery to overheat and potentially explode, which can cause serious injury or even death. Additionally, it can cause the device to burn out, rendering it unusable. 

Furthermore, auto-firing can occur when the device is in a pocket or bag, which can cause it to heat up and potentially start a fire. This is especially dangerous if the device is close to flammable materials, such as clothing or paper.

Preventing Auto Firing

Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to prevent your vape device from auto-firing. These include:

  • Choosing high-quality batteries and ensuring they are stored and used correctly;
  • Regularly cleaning and maintaining the device to prevent e-juice buildup;
  • Checking for manufacturing defects before purchasing a device;
  • Being careful not to leave the device in a pocket or bag where it can heat up;
  • Keeping the device away from flammable materials and ensuring it is not left unattended while charging;

Why Is My Vape Auto Firing A Dangerous Issue?

How Can I Fix My Auto Firing Vape Device:

  • Immediately turn off the device: If your vape device is auto-firing, the first thing you need to do is turn it off. This will prevent any further damage or injury from occurring;
  • Remove the batteries: If possible, remove the batteries from the device to prevent any further auto-firing. If you are unsure how to do this, refer to the user manual or seek assistance from a professional;
  • Assess the damage: Once you have turned off the device and removed the batteries, assess the damage to the device. Look for any signs of burnout or damage to the chip and switch
  • Replace the batteries: If the auto-firing was caused by faulty or damaged batteries, the best approach is to replace them with new, high-quality batteries;
  • Check the chip and switch: If the auto-firing was caused by burnout or damage to the chip and switch, you may need to replace them. Consult a professional or refer to the user manual for guidance on how to do this [5];
  • Contact the manufacturer: If your device is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer for assistance with repairing or replacing the device. If the device is not under warranty, seek the advice of a professional before attempting any repairs;

What’s The Best Approach To Handling An Auto Firing Device?

Auto-firing is a common issue that can occur with vape devices. It happens when the device activates on its own, without the user pressing the button. This can be a dangerous issue, and it’s essential to understand the best approach to handling an auto-firing device.

The first step to handling an auto-firing device is to turn it off immediately. This will prevent any further damage or injury from occurring. If the device has a removable battery, you should remove it from the device to prevent any further auto-firing.

Once you have turned off the device and removed the batteries, assess the damage to the device. Look for any signs of burnout or damage to the chip and switch. Burnout occurs when the switch and chip of the device are subjected to too much heat or electricity, causing them to malfunction. Burnout can also be caused by overuse of the device or using batteries that are not suitable for the device.

If the batteries caused the auto-firing, replace them with new, high-quality batteries. It’s essential to use batteries that are compatible with your device to prevent any further issues. When choosing batteries, ensure that they have the correct voltage and amperage for your device [6].

How Can I Fix My Auto Firing Vape Device

If the auto-firing was caused by burnout or damage to the chip and switch, you may need to replace them. If you are unsure how to do this, consult the user manual or seek assistance from a professional. It’s essential to take precautions when handling the chip and switch as they are delicate components of the device.

If your device is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer for assistance with repairing or replacing the device. If the device is not under warranty, seek the advice of a professional before attempting any repairs. Attempting to repair the device without the necessary knowledge and experience can cause further damage to the device or even lead to injury.

In addition to addressing the immediate issue of auto-firing, it’s important to take steps to prevent it from happening in the future:

  • Regularly maintain your device by cleaning it and ensuring that the batteries are stored and used correctly;
  • Avoid overusing the device or using it for extended periods as this can cause burnout;
  • Choose high-quality batteries that are compatible with your device to prevent any further issues;
  • It’s also important to be mindful of where you store your device. Do not leave it in a pocket or bag where it can heat up and potentially start a fire;
  • Keep it away from flammable materials such as clothing or paper;


  1. Why does my disposable vape keep hitting itself?

It is not common for disposable vapes to hit themselves, but if this is happening, it could be due to a malfunction in the device’s circuitry. The device may be short-circuiting or overheating, causing it to fire continuously. This can be dangerous and should be addressed immediately by discontinuing the use of the device and contacting the manufacturer for further assistance.

  1. How do you hide hitting a vape?

Hiding the use of a vape can be difficult, but some people may try to conceal it by exhaling the vapor into their clothing or a nearby object. However, it is important to note that using a vape in public spaces where it is prohibited or hiding the use of a vape from those around you can be considered disrespectful and potentially harmful to others.

  1. What damage can disposable vapes do?

Disposable vapes can cause a variety of potential health issues due to the chemicals and substances they contain. Some of the potential risks associated with vaping include lung damage, heart disease, and exposure to harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and acrolein [7]. Additionally, improper use or malfunctioning devices can lead to physical harm or injury.

  1. How do I stop my vape from exploding?

To prevent a vape from exploding, it is important to use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid exposing the device to extreme temperatures or physical damage. Users should also make sure to use the appropriate charging cable and avoid overcharging the battery. If a vape begins to show signs of malfunction or damage, it should be immediately discontinued and replaced.

What damage can disposable vapes do?

  1. Do disposable vapes turn off on their own?

Most disposable vapes do not have an on/off switch and are designed to be used until the battery or e-liquid is depleted. Some devices may have an automatic shut-off feature that activates when the battery is low, but this is not a universal feature and may vary by manufacturer and device model.

  1. How long can disposable vapes sit?

Disposable vapes can typically sit unused for several months, but the specified timeframe may vary based on the device and the conditions in which it is stored. It is important to store disposable vapes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures to prevent damage or deterioration.

  1. How long can you leave a disposable vape?

The length of time a disposable vape can be used depends on the capacity of the battery and the amount of e-liquid contained in the device [8]. Some disposable vapes may last for several days or weeks with regular use, while others may only last for a few hours. Once the battery or e-liquid is depleted, the device should be disposed of properly.

  1. Do disposable vapes run out when not in use?

Disposable vapes may lose their charge or e-liquid capacity over time, even when not in use. However, the rate at which this occurs may vary based on the device and the conditions in which it is stored.

  1. Why is my vape catching on fire?

A vape catching on fire is typically caused by a malfunction in the device’s circuitry or battery [9]. This can occur when the battery is overcharged, damaged, or exposed to extreme temperatures. Users should immediately discontinue the use of any device that shows signs of overheating or malfunction and contact the manufacturer for assistance.

  1. Is it rare for a vape to explode?

While the overall number of vape explosions is relatively low, it is still a potential risk associated with the use of these devices. The exact frequency of vape explosions is difficult to determine, as there is no centralized reporting system for such incidents.

Is it rare for a vape to explode?

  1. What is the safest disposable vape?

The safety of disposable vapes can vary based on the specific device and the manufacturer’s quality control standards [10]. However, some manufacturers may use higher-quality materials and adhere to stricter safety regulations, which may make their products safer than others.

It is important for consumers to do their research and choose reputable brands with good track records for safety and quality. Additionally, users should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and properly dispose of the device when it is no longer functional or the e-liquid is depleted.

Useful Video: Smok Novo Auto Firing or Firing After Hit


In conclusion, auto-firing is a serious issue that can cause injury or damage to your vape device. The best approach to handling an auto-firing device is to turn it off immediately, remove the batteries, assess the damage, and replace any faulty components. If you are unsure how to handle the issue, seek the advice of a professional.

Remember to take precautions to prevent auto-firing in the future, such as maintaining your device and being mindful of where you store it. By following these steps, you can ensure that your vaping experience is both enjoyable and safe.


  1. https://www.vaporfi.com/blog/why-is-my-box-mod-auto-firing
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/se9cpa/disposable_rechargable_hyde_vape_keeps_autofiring/
  3. https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-stop-your-vape-from-over-firing
  4. https://www.premiumejuice.com/blogs/ejuiceblog/what-to-do-if-your-pod-system-starts-auto-firing
  5. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/lifestyle/discussion/vape-firing-on-its-own-213557/
  6. https://vapingadvisor.com/learn/vape-firing-on-its-own/
  7. https://www.vaporfi.com/blog/why-is-my-box-mod-auto-firing/
  8. https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/products-ingredients-components/tips-help-avoid-vape-battery-or-fire-explosions
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44295336
  10. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html